Penoplasty (male enhancement)
The penile enlargement procedure is seldom discussed. Men in general are private about their privates at the best of times, and when it comes to such an intimate matter, they are even more introvert.
However, the amount of men going for penis enlargement procedures is up.
A recent UK based study, a general questionnaire was sent to community men of various ages, They found that almost 50% would like a larger penis.
For the last five years, members of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery carried out almost 50 000 enhancements worldwide.
There are several procedures that would increase the apparent length and the actual girth of the penis. These, however, are to be tailored to the anatomy of the patient, and also to patient expectations.
It is important to realise that there is no procedure that actually increases the real length of the penis. Penoplasty makes the penis appear longer by repositioning it in relation to the tissues around it.
Penoplasty (Penis Enlargement)
Although there are medical indications for penoplasty. However, these are rare indications, and surprisingly, the majority of men seeking penile enlargement have normal sized genital organs. The reasons for wanting a larger penis are often nothing to do with sexual performance. Most men seek this procedure mainly to enhance the appearances of their flaccid penis size, especially when going to the gym and using communal showers because.
There is a range of procedures. They can be generally split between those increase the length of flaccid penises, or more girth.
One thing you can do is use liposuction on the fat around the base of the penis — if you’ve got four inches of fat there, your penis will look four inches bigger when the fat is surgically sucked out.
The lengthening procedure, however, mainly involves making an incision at the base of the penis in an area that can be easily covered by the hairline, and dividing a ligament which is called the ‘suspensory ligament’ which connects the penis to the pubic bone.”
Once the ligament is cut, the penis will permanently come further out of the body.
Penis Enlargement Surgery
Cutting the ligament means the angle of erection will change so it’s not as upright, and there is a thing balance between cutting too much and too little of this ligament, and a skilled surgeon can keep this change to a minimum so you don’t end up with a downward-pointing erection.
Increasing the penile girth usually involves injecting material into the soft tissue underneath the skin on the penis. The most commonly used material is the patient’s own fat, usually from the abdominal area. There surgeons use a synthetic filler like hyaluronic acid, which is what women use to enhance the lips or fill gaps in cosmetic surgery. Each has its own pros and cons.
Post operatively, me are advised to refrain from having sex for at least about four weeks.
Although these procedures do not actually increase the surest penis length, as they significantly enhance the girth of the flaccid and erect penis, there will be an improvement in overall outcome, with more pleasurable for both partners.
Non-surgical methods for Penile Enhancement

Non surgical methods for penile enhancement There are several conservative measures that if used properly, might help in gaining some length and possibly strength during erection.
Visit Dr. Ali Thwaini for Penis Enlargement Dubai, Complicated surgery often calls for expert surgeons