
Non-surgical methods for Penile Enhancement

Non surgical methods for penile enhancement There are several conservative measures that if used properly, might help in gaining some length and possibly strength during erection. Penis stretching? Penis stretching refers to using own hands or a device to increase the length or girth of the penis.Although there’s evidence to suggest that stretching can increase […]

Penis Enlargement

Penoplasty (male enhancement) The penile enlargement procedure is seldom discussed. Men in general are private about their privates at the best of times, and when it comes to such an intimate matter, they are even more introvert. However, the amount of men going for penis enlargement procedures is up.  A recent UK based study, a […]

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED in men) impotence is defined as an inability to obtain or maintain an erection sufficient for penetration and for the satisfaction of both sexual partners. ED in men can be caused by many factors and may have a gradual or sudden onset. It can be very upsetting and result in a lot of stress […]

Prostate symptoms (bladder outlet obstruction)

The prostate gland lies just beneath the bladder and is normally about the size of a chestnut. The urethra (water pipe) runs through the middle of the prostate. The main function of the prostate is during your reproductive life. It produces fluid containing chemicals which nourish sperms to help with fertilisation. If you have difficulty starting or stopping your urine flow, a […]

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are complaints related to altered function of the urinary tract, and these include frequency (defined as the need to pass urine very often); urgency (the need to pass urine without much warning); urge incontinence (urgency resulting in leakage of urine which you cannot control); hesitancy (not being able to pass urine immediately); poor flow ( a decrease in […]

Urinary incontinence is defines as involuntary loss of urine, which is a social or hygienic problem.

Urinary Incontinence can be divided  into several types, but the most common are: Stress incontinence – leakage during periods of abdominal pressure (coughing, sneezing, lifting, straining); Urge incontinence – leakage which follows an irresistible urge to pass urine; Mixed incontinence – combined stress & urge incontinence; Post-micturition dribble – leakage from the urethra a few minutes after passing urine (not to be confused with terminal dribbling when it is difficult to shut […]

Diet and stone disease:

About 1 in 10 people suffer from a kidney stone over the course of a lifetime.  Current evidence is suggesting that this percentage is on the rise! If you suffer from kidney stones, you may need to follow a certain Kidney Stone Diet plan.  You would need to have some blood and urine tests to find […]

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